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Automatic Transmission Fluid

POWEROIL’s Automatic Transmission Fluid is formulated using synthetic base oils and carefully selected additives. This combination provides excellent protection for the vital components within the transmission system, ensuring its seamless operation. Our POWER ATF D II D and POWER ATF D III H variants are specifically designed to meet the performance requirements of automatic transmissions that call for Dexron II D, Dexron III, or Dexron III H specifications. By using our ATF products, you can maintain the optimal performance and longevity of your automatic transmission.


POWER AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID D Ill H is a full synthetic automatic transmission fluid designed to provide smooth and efficient operation in all modern automatic transmission and power steering. POWER ATF D Ill H is recommended for automatic transmission applications, including automatic gearboxes and power-assisted torque converters or steering assemblies.

Available in :

210 L
4 L
1 L

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